Letter from your 90 year old self

Time machines haven’t been invented. Yet. What would you do if the 90 year old you travelled back in time to meet today’s you? Can you imagine how the future you would look like? With more years of experience being you, what expert advice do you think they’d share with you?

The Time Travel Exercise

One of the exercises I did while taking the Centonomy Entrepreneur course was to write a letter from my 90 year old self. It helped me pause, reflect on my life, and dream about the kind of future I’d like to build.

The direction you take determines the destination, regardless of where you desire to go. On maps, in relationships, finance and career. In life.

If you haven’t thought about where you’re headed lately, this is a good motivational exercise to help you adjust your compass. Here’s mine for some inspiration.

time machine 90 year old self

Image by thethreesisters via Flickr

You’ve got great potential

Dear Evans,

Greetings from your future self! It’s 2080. You’re 90ish. Yes, God granted you a full life so you can die empty and bless the world with the light He placed in you.

It’s great to see you’ve begun to realise there’s more to life. That if you had your life to live all over again, you could do much more than you’ve done so far. Les was right. So was Dr Myles and Marie.

Evans, you’ve got greatness within you. You’ve heard it’s voice. God loves you and purposed for you to do great works for His glory. Fear not. He loves you more than you can love yourself and has your best interests at heart and mind. Remember from Mizizi — you’re His plan A.

God put everything you need inside you. Continue in your commitment to bring it out. Keep good company. Learn more. Do more. Become the right person; the most valuable you.

Remember how you loved learning from a young age? And now you’re fascinated with building stuff people care about and can scale.

You have a heart for connection in relationships and families. You want to be the best version of yourself you can be and to help others become the best they can be too.

Your purpose is related to these things, Evans.

In Pursuit of Purpose

As you chase your purpose, remember always to seek God’s kingdom first. That His will on earth be done. Remember also to invest in your relationships with friends and family as you invest in yourself.

It’s true you get in life what you are and not what you want. Keep the faith. Trust in God. Be fearless. Desire to serve and connect. You will change the world.

All those things you wanted to have or do will come. The happy home, making memories around the world, the BMW you love and more is yours already.

Evans, we both know it’s hard to live every day like there’s no tomorrow. Do your best to live this way though. You’ve got enough time to do what you came to do on earth.

Thank God every day, take initiative, live responsibly, lead sacrificially, love faithfully and leave a worthwhile legacy.

Touch the world. Provide so much value for your family, your network of friends, acquaintances, strangers and generations to come. Make your parents proud while they’re around. Be there for your siblings and friends.

You’ll have a beautiful, wonderful wife. And lovely kids. Provide for them, nurture them, protect them and teach them God’s word – leading by example.

The master said the harvest is plenty but the workers are few.

Thank God every day, take initiative, live responsibly, lead sacrificially, love faithfully and leave a worthwhile legacy.

You’re better than good and better than most. You’re special Evans. There are 64 years between us today. Continue in your hunger for God’s kingdom, for purpose and a worthwhile legacy.

With so much love and life (continue keeping fit).

Evans “From 2080” Musomi.

P.S: Till next time, I’d like to challenge you to become the most valuable person you were designed to be. Take care.



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