
My goal here is to share the top reflection from my day as a contribution to the world, so your odds of learning better, and enjoying a richer life, go up. 🎯

Are you committed to creating an extraordinary life? So am I. I help develop people, software products and learning programs.

Do you want to develop yourself, your learning, and your ability to create value?

Evans Musomi avatar

I’m so glad you’re here. We’re on a journey together. I really believe we were designed with a special kind of greatness that the world really needs. It’s so deep — we need help living it out fully.

From “Aha” to “Oh Snap”, I’m sharing lessons on my journey to developing life skills the world needs, and learning mastery. 💡

I’m fascinated by how people learn, and how people win at relationships with others and themselves. Talk to me about any of these and we’ll hit it off quick. 😁

I often wear the hats of software development learning facilitator and indie product developer. I always wear the family guy hat - husband and dad. Occasionally also: Salsa dancer, DJ, and One Piece Fan. See what I’m up to lately on my NOW page. 🎩

I blog about product development at GrowTheGreat.

Cheers to your success in the good things you do! 🥂 🚀

-Evans “Rooting for you” Musomi.

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